About: Poet, literary critic, translator. Member of the editorial boards of Odra (Wrocław) and Przegląd Polityczny (Gdańsk). Member of the Polish PEN Club. Chief editor of Explorations. A Journal of Language and Literature (Opole).
Position: University Professor
Office: Collegium Maius, room 113
Phone: (+48) 77 541 5913
E-mail: gutorow@uni.opole.pl
Office hours: Wednesday 8:15-9:00, and Saturday 9:15-10:00
Doctorate – 1999, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
Habilitation – 2008, Opole University, Poland
Research interests:
Modernist literature and culture
Critical theory
Theory and practice of literary translation
Publications (books only):
Na kresach człowieka. Sześć esejów o dekonstrukcji [The Ends of Man. Six Essays on Deconstruction], Opole 2001
Niepodległość głosu. Szkice o poezji polskiej po 1968 roku [Independence of Voice. Notes on the Polish Poetry after 1968], Kraków 2003
Urwany ślad. O wierszach Wirpszy, Karpowicza, Różewicza i Sosnowskiego [The Lost Track. On the Poems of Wirpsza, Karpowicz, Różewicz and Sosnowski], Wrocław 2007
Luminous Traversing. Wallace Stevens and the American Sublime, Opole 2007
Księga zakładek [An Anthology of Bookmarks], Wrocław 2011
Luminous Traversing. Wallace Stevens and the American Sublime, Second and Revised Edition, Frankfurt am Main (Peter Lang) 2012
Życie w rozproszonym świetle. Eseje [Life in the Diffused Light. Essays], Wrocław 2016
Monaten, Wrocław 2017
Pęknięty kryształ. Szkice o modernistach [The Flawed Crystal. Essays on Modernist Literature], Opole 2019
Wiersze pod nieobecność [Poems in Absentia], Wrocław 1997
Aurora, Łódź 2001
X, Legnica 2001
Linia życia [A Life Line], Kraków 2006
Inne tempo [A Different Tempo], Wrocław 2008
Nad brzegiem rzeki. Wiersze z lat 1990-2010 [By the River’s Edge. Poems 1990-2010], Wrocław 2010
The Folding Star and Other Poems, Rochester (USA) 2012
Kartki [Pages], Kraków 2015
Rok bez chmur [A Year Without Clouds], Poznań 2017
Simon Armitage, Nocna zmiana i inne wiersze [Night Shift and Other Poems], Legnica 2003
Ron Padgett, Nigdy nie wiadomo [You Never Know], Katowice 2008
Wallace Stevens, Żółte popołudnie [Yellow Afternoon], Wrocław 2008
Mark Ford, Chwila nieuwagi [A Moment of Distraction], with Adam Zdrodowski, Mikołów 2014
Wygnani z raju. David Jones, Geoffrey Hill, Charles Tomlinson [Expelled from Paradise. David Jones, Geoffrey Hill, Charles Tomlinson], Wrocław 2016.
Oko wie lepiej. Ashbery, Clover, Cole [The Eye Knows Better. Ashbery, Clover, Cole], Wrocław 2018.
Simon Armitage, Mało brakowało [Missed It by That Much], with Jerzy Jarniewicz, Wrocław 2019.
Editorship and co-editorship
Miasto. Przestrzeń, topos, człowiek [The City. Space, Topos, Man], edited by Adrian Gleń, Jacek Gutorow and Irena Jokiel, Opole 2005
Myśl wędrująca. Księga pamiątkowa dla Tadeusza Sławka [The Wandering Thought. A Festschrift for Tadeusz Sławek], edited by Ilona Dobosiewicz, Jacek Gutorow and Ryszard W. Wolny, Opole 2006
Conformity and Resistance in America, edited by Jacek Gutorow and Tomasz Lebiecki, Cambridge 2007
Muzyka innego świata. Krytycy o Marku Jodłowskim [The Music of the Other World. Critics on Marek Jodłowski], edited by Jacek Gutorow, Opole 2007
Community and Nearness. Readings in English and American Literature and Culture, edited by Ilona Dobosiewicz and Jacek Gutorow, Opole 2007
The Body. Readings in English and American Literature and Culture 2, edited by Ilona Dobosiewicz and Jacek Gutorow, Opole 2009
The Dream. Readings in English and American Literature and Culture 3, edited by Ilona Dobosiewicz and Jacek Gutorow, Opole 2011